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- FLTI letter to JRCL - 19/06/2010


Buenos Aires, July 19th, 2010.-

Dear JRCL comrades,

We know from your letter and your newspaper in English on Internet that you are launching in the workers organizations you lead and have influence on throughout Japan a fighting offensive of the workers this spring for the defense of their work conditions against the capitalist attack. Let’s fight together in this spring offensive!

Comrades, in our motions to the 47th Anti War Assembly and in the last letter we sent you, we stated that the struggle to fight for the program of Equal pay, for equal work for all the workers from Japan and the entire Asia is at the order of the agenda for the internationalist unity of the working class in the entire Far East to confront the imperialist monopolies’ attack.

As the founders of Scientific Socialism stated “People that oppressed other people cannot free itself”. The fight for wages, against the dismissals and the job insecurity (precarious labor TN) in Japan on the part of the imperialist monopolies only could win if the Japanese working class ties its fate to the victory of the combats of the workers in China, North Korea, Vietnam and Thailand that are already carrying out; all of them exploited by the same monopolies. To unify the Japanese workers with their brothers of Asia under the demand: “Equal pay, for equal work!” is the path to defeat the capitalist offensive and initiate the counter-offensive for workers not to pay for the crisis. Who provoke the crisis must pay for it!

Since early May, Honda workers in China started their fight with pickets and strikes in order to impose an increase of wages and better work conditions on the Japanese bosses. They confronted the repression forces of the murderous police of the red Mandarins of Hu Jintao and the gunmen of the unions led by the restorationist bourgeoisie. Even though they confronted those forces in total isolation, the workers achieved the unity of all the workers of that monopoly in China and imposed to the company an increase of wages. Their shop stewards voted by the rank-and-file were dismissed by the boss, the Labor Ministry and the Hu Jintao government.

The fight of Honda workers in China states to their class brothers from Japan the duty to call right now to a unified fighting plan in order to defeat the Japanese monopoly.  Equal pay, for equal work! For the sliding scale of wages and labor hours, all the available hands to work, a 3rd labor shift in all the factories and workplaces! A single class a single fight in all the factories of that monopoly from both side of the sea of China! Expropriation without payment and under workers control of all Honda monopoly! Out the Japanese maquiladora/sweat shops of China, the Korean peninsula and the entire Asia! Let’s take these motions to Honda workers assembly in Japan this spring!

Comrades, you call on the Japanese working class and militant students to defeat the government of Hatoyama and expel the imperialist US military bases from Japan: “The enemy is at home!” Let’s vote in all the worker organizations from Japan to unify the combat against Hatoyama with the struggle of our class Asian brothers who confront the governments and regimes of the bourgeoisie, servants of the US and Japanese imperialism. Down with the regime of the corporations and the DPJ-NPP-Rengo government supported by the social democracy and Stalinism! Down with Hu Jintao and the red Mandarins! Down with the slavery bureaucracy of North Korea! Down with the bourgeois restore regime of Vietnam! Down with the monarchy and military dictatorship of Thailand! One class, one fight! A single revolution in the entire Far East!

Comrades, let’s prevent the experience of Dacia Renault workers in Rumania and France from taking place again and let’s take their lessons as a program of internationalist unity for the workers from Japan and their class brothers in China and the Far East.  In 2008, the Rumanian workers started a struggle for the increase of wages, at the war cry of “We want to earn as the French workers of Renault!”  All the stalinist and social democrat union bureaucracy and the renegades of Trotskyism of the Mandelist NAP and Lambertism prevented in France that the workers fought for this program and subordinated the workers to the feet of the French butcher imperialist bourgeoisie and its rotten 5th Republic. The defeat of the Rumanian workers meant the strengthening of the French bosses who then did not hesitate to fire, suspend workers and low the wages of the workers in the French factories.   It was very painful for the French and Rumanian workers, this policy of the bureaucracy and social imperialist parties of the labor aristocracy! We must prevent that the social imperialists of Chukaku-ha centralized in Madrid Summit and the International Meeting in Brazil carry out again this policy of the Mandelism and Lambertism to divide and defeat the Asian proletariat.

Dear comrades, let’s call together the militant workers from Japan and China to confront all the social imperialist bureaucratic leaderships who support the corporations regime in Japan.  We must prevent the treacherous leaderships of the worker movement from subordinating once again the workers to the feet of the Japanese imperialism and its monopolies.  Let’s call immediately on the Japanese working class to set up in this spring offensive the pickets and factory committees with direct democracy and shop stewards chosen and recallable by the base in order to overthrow the fascist union bureaucracy of Rengo and the Stalinist Zenroren!

Dear comrades, you have full authority and the honor to be able to lead this combat and launch these motions in all the assemblies of Honda factory and workers organizations and militant students of Japan, to put the Japanese working class at warpath together with their class brothers in the entire Asia.  Let’s fight together taking these motions to all the militant workers organizations of Japan to unify them with their class brothers fighting in China and the entire Far East!

With internationalist revolutionary greetings
International Coordination Secretariat of the FLTI

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